
The Prince Rupert Community League (PRCL) offers a $1,000.00 Scholarship toward a post-secondary education to a resident 21 years of age or younger, residing in the Edmonton community of Prince Rupert.

The following requirements must be met to make an application.

  • The applicant must be 21 years of age or younger.
  • The applicant must be a PRCL member.
  • The applicant must submit an official transcript of their high school marks as well as proof of registration and acceptance at a post-secondary institution and confirmation of term of studies for a minimum of one year duration.
  • The applicant must show commitment to the values of the PRCL.
  • The applicant must volunteer a minimum of five hours for each of the two prior consecutive years for a total of ten (10) hours – all of which were related to Prince Rupert Community League services and proof of the volunteer hours in writing from a PRCL Board member must be submitted to the Scholarship Committee Chairperson.
  • The recipient must use the scholarship award to further their formal education at any post-secondary institution immediately upon receipt of the scholarship.

The award winner will be selected based on a combination of the highest marks, PRCL volunteer commitment and a 500 word essay on “What does Community mean to me”. All three components will be given equal weight in the final decision.

Application submission is due by August 31st of the current year.

The Scholarship will be awarded at the September Membership league meeting.

The majority decision of the Committee is final.

First Scholarship to be awarded September 2026.


Contact Information
  • Name of Applicant
  • Address of Applicant
  • Phone Number of Applicant
  • Email address of applicant
Cover Letter
  • Includes an explanation of your educational intentions and your community involvement over the past two years (uploaded file)
  • What does community mean to you, in 500 words maximum (upload file)
Official Transcript
  • High school marks (uploaded file)
Proof of Post Secondary Registration
  • Registration/acceptance into a post-secondary institution (uploaded file)
Proof of Volunteer Hours
  • 10 hours over the last two consecutive years
  • Submit letter written by and from a PRCL board member (uploaded file)

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